

238 items

The 115th Anniversary of Ta Kung Pao


Sculpture Series – Heart Sutra

在世界的每一個角落,人類的生活中總是與宗教密不可分,如基督教,天主教,印度教和伊斯蘭教等。宗教更是與歷史和文化環環相扣,特別是在中國,自唐朝時代佛教從印度傳來,經歷千百年來演變,融入豐富的中華文化,成為今天的佛教。在歷史的洪流中,數百神話和經典流傳至今,原來的文本被信徒翻譯成不同語言,教導人尋求真理。傳至今天的文本中,《心經》可說是最為廣泛流傳;由中國唐朝和尚 - 玄奘法師將這260字的版本演繹至漢字,在亞洲國家中廣泛傳播,推崇善德因果,導人向善。...

Star Wars Series

The glamorous Star Wars has arisen the world in great expectations. “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” was released in Hong Kong on December 15, 2016. It brought the fever of Star Wars. In the Star Wars’ stories, the image of every character impressed people deeply. Even though they did not read the sto...

Zodiac Series - Rooster

There is an old saying that "The planning for a day starts in the morning and the planning for a year starts in the spring." In ancient times, people worked according to the sunrise and sunset. Back before watches and alarm jolted us awake, the rooster crow every morning to perform the duty. This li...

Jx Collection

The cuteness of the small animals make the people could not resist had these impulse to take them home keep it as accompany because we believe the new pet can make us happy, but in fact keeping a pet is not as easy as you think. You have to provide food for them, take them see the vet when they are ...

FMCS Series

Racing cars and watches are two of the favorite things for men. Memorigin, the Hong Kong Tourbillon watch brand, cooperates with the FMCS Youth Championship Formula Series to launch FMCS series watches. It adds an elegant tourbillon watch to a sense of speed of racing elements....

The Storm Show Series

The Storm is a comic series that first appeared in 1989. It is one of the most popular work of the famous comic artist, Ma Wing-shing. The story was adapted into movies, TV series, mobile game, and radio drama etc., and they were all great hits in Hong Kong. The famous producer, Florence Chan, has d...

Butterfly Rose

The Butterfly Rose Tourbillon Watch portrays a charming modern woman who is as beautiful as a rose. She also possesses the fascinating characteristics of a butterfly: pretty-to-see and hard-to-catch. ...

GT Series

The close relationship between racing cars and watches can be seen when both use sophisticated mechanics and components to operate. Yet the former one has to compete against time to create the fastest record, the latter one has to record and tell the time precisely. Memorigin, the Hong Kong tourbill...

Saint Seiya–Sagittarius

In December, 1985, the Japanese manga series Saint Seiya’s comics created a huge popularity in Japan upon their release. In 1986, the animation was launched that attracted the fans from all over the world. In the story, the main character – “Seiya” fights and grows with his teammates that tackles al...

Grand Series

Hong Kong tourbillon brand - Memorigin is always aiming to the innovation on the design of the watch. The designer and watch master have spent a long period of time to finish this masterpiece and through different designs to bring out more different feelings to all the watch collectors....

Jim Series -SuperJwatch

The heavy burden and life pressure can take away our happiness and pull us apart from the people around. Yet, there is one influential person who has been devoted to bringing happiness and joy to the public. Hong Kong artist, Chim Sui-man Jim, always sends out cheers to the public. He represents com...

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